
Archive for June, 2015

Guest Post: Thoughts on Polygamy by Shealja Sharma

For long tweeple are debating on Polygamy and Monogamy, some are in favour of Polygamy while others opposes it. While they have their own reasons to support or oppose, I tried to search and read on the topic of Polygamy and monogamy And why Modern states are more inclined in the favour of Monogamy.
Lots of data and research suggest that all most all the societies have progressed from Polygamy to monogamy because the social problem it has created . How ? let’ see point by point

In 2012 University of British Columbia-led study that explores the global rise of monogamous marriage as a dominant cultural institution. And study finds that “significantly higher levels rape, kidnapping, murder, assault, robbery and fraud in polygynous cultures”

1) Problems for young man : It has been seen and proved that wealthy male of the society prove to be a stasher of wives. It increase the competition for partner and low status males had high chances of not getting any partner. According to Study

“ A little chances of obtaining even one long term mate, unmarried , low status men heavily discount future and risk taking, resulting in more socially undesirable behavior. Like higher rates of murder, theft, rape, social disruption, kidnapping, sexual slavery and prostitution”

2) Problems for Women : Polygamy reduces woman freedom, increase gender inequality and domestic violence. As in polygynous market men remain on the marriage market for longer term, it reduces the age of first marriage for females, increase the spousal age gap. Due to competition men uses all type of influences, connection and power to obtain wives. Also strike financial deal with their fathers and brothers. According to study:

“ More competition motivates men to seek to control their female relative, suppressing women’s freedoms”

3) Problems for Children’s : Monogamous marriage also results in significant improvements in child welfare, including lower rates of child neglect, abuse, accidental death, homicide and intra-household conflict, the study finds. These benefits result from greater levels of parental investment, smaller households and increased direct “blood relatedness” in monogamous family households, says Henrich

Refrence :

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